Members and Their Graduations

I was kind of late to write this in blog, but as my respect for Nyash, who is a bestfriend of Ghashapon, I think I shouldn’t have ignored and let it aside. Especially, there’s two more who decided to graduate after Nyash and Panda, makes me feel really dreaded that by the end of year we have to let some members go and drop their membership status.

Though the rumor about member graduation has been spread since Calendar Senbatsu voting, I never really thought that it’d be happen. I’m already used to hearing their names called and seeing their faces, and knowing that JKT48 members will never last long here is sad. What will happen if Ghashapon or Pipi graduates someday? I’d probably cry my eyes out and make a whole blog filled with her as my tribute, or create a song. But.. I can’t write a song, so that option is impossible. Haha..

Ghashapon’s message regarding to Nyash’s graduation :

“Nyash has a lot of abilities in art, but never shows them and Nyash is truly an idol, modest and patient idol. Because even before joining JKT48, Nyash has already been an idol, I hope Nyash out there can show something that people have never been seen before… Keep spirit Nyashuuuuu!!!

Nyashu is wonderful, can balance between college and JKT48, though the major that has been taken is hard (architecture), don’t forget to make me a house later, okay? Though we can’t reach our dream together, I’m sure one day we will be together again, hehehe. Good luck also with your Japanese language learning! Next time we will visit together in Japan and Korea. *eh?”

All I could say is thank you for all your had work in JKT48. You all; Stella, Nyash, Panda, Dhifa and Delli, have done and sacrifized a lot to stay in JKT48, and it will always be remembered by us fans. Hope after the graduation, you can pursue your future plan harder to reach every dream you have. See you next time. :’)

Ulang Tahun yang Aneh

Ulang tahun, kadang bikin hepi, tapi juga kadang dreading. Kalau ada yang ingat terus ngucapin selamat, bahkan sampai ngasih hadiah tentu bikin senang. Tapi tetap jadi ngingatin kalau di hari itu genap setahun tambah tua. Usia 22 tahun ya mbak broo… Dan 5 hari yang lalu adek ultah ke 17. Agak gimane gitu yee… Angkanya mengintimidasi gitu. Hehehe.. 😛

Tapi pas minggu malam sebenarnya ga bisa tidur gegara banyak mikir. Selain tentang ulang tahun, ingat juga kalau tahun ini ga bareng Emak dan adek menyambut hari kelahiran. Yah, emang ga di rayain juga sih, paling cuma ngirim nasi uduk ke tetangga kalo lagi sempet. Yang jelas, beda aja ya, sekarang harus jauh dari keluarga. Hmm…

Anyway, mau cerita beberapa kejadian yang aku alami kemarin, yang ngepas hari ultah ke 22 tahun. Bisa dibilang aneh tapi tetep disyukuri, soalnya bagus. Awalnya dari pagi udah harap-harap cemas nungguin telepon dari personalia mall tempat aku ngirim lamaran dua minggu lalu, sampe rasanya udah ngerasa bete dan mikir “Gw di PHP-in lagi nih,” karena sebelumnya di bilang pacar abang sepupu nunggu dulu sampai Senin kemarin. Senin di minggu yang sebelumnya juga dibilang hal yang sama, tapi ga ada panggilan, makanya udah ga pengin ngarep banyak. Jam 2 siang, diajakin Si Mbak ke mall tersebut karena adiknya yang kerja di situ sedang OFF, jadi ga bisa nanya. Waktu dateng ke sana, kebetulan minta tolong sama temen kerja adik si Mbak buat ngasih-ngasih kabar. Terus muter bentar di stand sepatu di lantai dua.

Ga terduga, ada temen SMP dulu lewat di depan mata, yang masih rada-rada inget wajahnya meskipun sekarang berjilbab. Cipika-cipiki sebentar ngomongin hal sepele sampe akhirnya doi berlalu pergi. Karena niat mau beli sesuatu juga ga didukung sama budget, maka aku dan mbak keluar dari mall, niat mau langsung pulang aja karena sudah jam 3 lewat. Eh, ngagetin aja, tiba-tiba dapet telpon dari sebuah supermarket yang aku kirimin lamaran seminggu lalu, ngabarin kalau aku dipanggil untuk test tertulis Rabu besok jam 8.30. Walah, rada cengok aja. Keluar dari mall rencananya mau nanya kejelasan lamaran, eh malah dapat panggilan dari tempat lain. Tapi tetep, setelah dapat telpon tersebut rasanya sedikit ada rasa enteng, soalnya ada juga lamaran yang “nyantol”. Aku pikir kalau sampai ga ada manggil, mungkin ujung-ujungnya jadi pegawai Indomaret. Hehe… Gapapa sih, paling cuma masalah jam kerjanya doank. Ini cuma masalah waktu aja. 😆

Mungkin di ultah yang ke 22 tahun ini, termasuk salah satu dari pengalaman ultah yang paling aneh untuk dialami. Haha.. Tetep, disyukuri karena meskipun aneh, arahnya menuju yang ke positif. Semoga deh, lancar semua ya. Amin.

Rumah Kedua

Perasaan udah berapa lama ya blogging di WP? Kayaknya baru jalan setahun berapa bulan yah, tapi kok rasanya udah lama banget gitu. Akhir-akhir ini somehow daku terserang rasa kangen yang aneh setiap login ke blog sendiri, kayak ada yang terlupakan. Biasanya selalu paling ga sekali login di dashboard sekedar liat visit stats atau edit-edit dikit selama bisa dilakukan lewat fungsi HP yang terbatas. Tapi ternyata sekitar dua bulanan ini malah ga produktif (lagi) blogging dan blogwalking. Mungkin masih bisa lah bikin satu dua post, tapi jangan ditanya soal blogwalking… Jawabannya close to zero. Ckckck… Bahkan mampir ke JKT48Stuff aja jarang, baru kemarin ini. Ahh…, padahal masih banyak kerjaan musti diselesain, what’s wrong with me, ye?

Jujurnya sih, meskipun ga banyak kegiatan, aku bener-bener lagi berada di situasi “Life has taken its toll on me” kind of thing. Nyari kerja, urusan keluarga, pikiran ini dan itu numpuk jadi satu, mau mikirin soal blog dan semacamnya kok malah jadi ngebetein gitu. Padahal tiap hari juga login di socmed, sekedar baca timeline daripada ga ada kerjaan. Lha kok males pula mau blogging? Apa sekarang mulai ngalamin kebosenan sama blogging?

Coba aja kalo kemarin ga ngobrol sama fans JKT48 dari Jepang, Joe-san yang ngomongin tentang thread baru di 2ch, aku pasti ga bakal update postingan blog untuk waktu yang lama. Kebetulan thread itu memang membahas tentang member favorit aku di JKT48, Ghaida Farisya. Postku tentang Ghashapon (nama panggilanku buat Ghaida) di pasang di sana dengan bantuan Joe-san. Ternyata setelah itu banyak yang berkunjung ke blog, meskipun cuma liat doank, dan yang komen juga pake bahasa Jepang yang jelas di luar pemahamanku. Tapi dari situ aku akhirnya punya semangat lagi untuk blogging, dan sekarang jadi punya semacam “confidence” untuk ngomongin idola di blog, yang biasanya agak malu gitu untuk aku lakuin. Gimana ya, malu aja. Takut dibilang mainstream, padahal murni memang suka. Hehe.. Apalagi sekarang Ghashapon lagi mempesona dengan gaya cosplaynya. Keren-keren banget! (silahkan baca post-post sebelumnya kalau mau lihat foto-foto cosplay Ghashapon).

Moga-moga sih kedepannya jangan kumat-kumatan lagi kalo mau blogging. Ga enak banget, kayak selalu punya rasa bersalah gitu sama blog sendiri. Emang bener kali ya, bagi seorang blogger, blog mereka itu adalah rumah kedua, dan kalo rumah ga di urus kan risih jadinya. Kerasa banget ya… Hehehe… 😛

Btw, soal lamar-melamar pekerjaan, dapat konfirmasi dari sebuah mall tempat aku ngirim lamaran. Katanya Senin kalo mungkin akan dihubungi lagi untuk interview. Wih… Akhirnya, ada pencerahan. Ga sia-sia lah dua minggu lebih wara-wiri ngirim lamaran. Insyaallah lancar semua deh. Amin!

My Bro’s Sweet Seventeen

I can’t really recall how my sweet seventeen birthday was, so it’s kinda nostalgic to realise that today my brother is officially seventeen now. Lucu juga ya, tau-tau bentar lagi udah punya adik yang bentar lagi udah bisa buat KTP dan SIM sendiri. Inget dulu, berasa gimana gitu setiap ulang tahun, tapi kalo sekarang mah ga mau inget-inget umur sih… Takut tersadar kalo udah… Ehem… Tua… Hehe… XD

Sedihnya sih ga bisa ngucapin birthday wish langsung ke orangnya, soalnya lagi ngerantau gini. Mau nelpon kebetulan pulsa ga dukung (maklum, lagi mode menghemat), jadi cuma bisa kirim wall-message di Facebook dan ngetwit. Tadi sih cuma di like doank, saking somsenya tuh anak. Tapi ya syudahlah, yang penting masih ada apresiasi dari si empunya yang ultah. Hahaha.. 😛

Yah, yang jelas, buat adik aku Ali Sadikin yang hari ini ultah ke 17, semoga panjang umur terus, selalu sehat, di kasih kelancaran supaya bisa lulus SMA berhubung bentar lagi mau menghadapi UN, dan setelahnya selalu dilimpahkan kebaikan-kebaikan dari Allah SWT. Amin!

Ali Sadikin’s 17th Birthday (November 14th, 2013)

Pengguna Internet Katrok

Waktu di Tulang Bawang, jujurnya susah banget nyari info lowongan kerja. Koran memang banyak, warnet di mana-mana, tapi sayang jaraknya itu yang jadi masalah. Karena rumah memang ada di daerah pedesaan, dan kalau ke kota jaraknya kira-kira 15 KM, mau kemana-mana ya harus naik motor. Dan Ekeh ga mengendarai motor mbakbrooohh… Hiks. Alhasil cuma bisa ngandelin adek yang kadang suka ngemoh-emohan kalo disuruh nganter pergi. So, ditambah jarak antara rumah dan kota yang cukup jauh, maunya pulang pergi ya cepet-cepet aja, gampang lupa mau ngapain begitu sampai tujuan. Hehe..

Jadi intinya, di Tulang Bawang aku jadi susah nyari kerja karena info dan akses kendaraan ga tercapai. Ga mungkin juga kan nunggu kayak orang bego di rumah sementara ga ada kerjaan? Makanya daku ke sini. Dan untung banget, deket rumah Uwak ada warnet. Walah, hepi euy… Akhirnya baru dari situ mulai nyari lowongan lewat internet. Hihihi… Katrok juga nih baru nyoba sekarang.

Emang sebenarnya ga mikir ke situ waktu nyari kerjaan. Habis di Tulang Bawang kesana-sininya jauh. Begitu di sini, dibilang pacar Minak, “Cari lowongan lewat internet, yuk, dek?” Ehh… Iya juga. Hehehe… Kok lola ga mikir ke sana? Browsing deh, minta petunjuk dari Mbah gugel yang sakti mandraguna, dan ternyata lebih luas jangkauannya dari info koran (ya iyalah). Yehh… Gw emang katrok, ga usah diomongin, namanya juga wong ndeso. Wkwkwk… Tapi alhamdulillah ya, Di bukakan matanya, walaupun lewat internet juga masih ga dapet-dapet juga. Hehe…

Dipikir-pikir, meskipun jadi pengguna internet yang jam terbangnya hampir 24 jam (kalo lagi kuat), aku masih ga nyambung juga begitu ada hal beginian. Ternyata aku masih belum menggunakan internet secara maksimal ya. Agak malu gitu… *melipir ke pojokan*

Dunno Why, But I was Crying a Bit..

Last Sunday, there’s a Handshake Festival held by JOT and the pictures showed looked so exciting and full of crowd. Nyash was very beautiful with her pink dress and Ghashapon also seemed enjoying her time in all event sessions.

We have princess in JKT48. 😀

I really wanted to buy the product that Ghashapon sold! ><

Melo commented them as ‘Mr and Mrs. Cosplayer’. And to put them together, they looked like Sun and Moon Princess!!

There was also a mini concert and solo performance by Beby, who wore army outfit in the event. It suited her so well! She performed [UZA] dance, which is my favorite AKB48 song. Good job Beby!

And when the Senbatsu for JKT48 2014 Calendar was announced, I couldn't help to cry a bit after noticing that there's no Ghashapon's name in Senbatsu list. Though Yona made it into Senbatsu, but it didn't really excited me so much because Ghashapon couldn't make it. I wrote on twitter, “I don’t know why, but I’m crying a bit after realising that Ghashapon can’t make it into Senbatsu. To think that last year, I wasn’t even a fan of JKT48 from the beginning. Now, I found myself shedding tears.” Perhaps it’s because calendar is something I could still effort to buy, and I really wanted to see my oshi smiling picture for a year. Especially, in preeleminary Ghashapon had made to the seventh place that gave me confidence about final result. But since none of us could really predict what would happen in the final, I guess I should have prepared myself to face the worst, which turned out failed, and I cried instead. Honestly, I felt childish at the moment… 😆

For Pipi, congrats for your success as one of the senbatsu for JKT48 2014 Calendar. For Ghashapon and Nyash, I will still wish for your luck in the next year. Keep smiling and full in spirit!

Here is Ghashapon’s story about the Handshake festival :

“Somehow there’re many who HS with me though, but thanks for handshaking with me. X) hehe. Since yesterday I wore lolita outfit, all people looked surprised, hehehe XP. Then there’s one who trembled, cold-sweating, and the speaking became stuttered. Then there’s children too, and pretty girls :*, mostly it was really exciting to be able to chat with you all. XDb There’re also many fans from outiside town XDb. There’re also from overseas hehe or maybe from another world too. *eh

Yesterday many people adviced me not to graduate yet, “still want to see you,” they said. Hmm… Touched… I’ll fight and keep in spirit XD. Just let the past event goes away and becomes a lesson, and keep strong to face every obstacle that comes, ehehehe.

Oh, yeah, since last year a lot of Japanese celebs/bands have been coming to Indonesia, so happy, in the past it used to be difficult. So it means that the friendship bridge between Indonesia-Japan becomes closer, wahh.. And the lolita outfit I wore yesterday was made by my friend, Coruscate XD. Keep making outfits to Europe! XDb hehe.

I’ll make another surprise in next Handshake event, for sure XDb. Just wait for the next surprise, okay? Hehe XD Oh, well, I want to watch KR Gaim first then~ whehehehe.”

A fan asked about her blonde wig, saying that few months ago she had tweeted about wearing this outfit. But will it suit with blonde wig? Since I’m not really into blonde, I can’t imagine Ghashapon with blonde hair. 😆 But I’m really looking forward to see the next surprise from her. So, Ghashapon, please keep staying in JKT48 as long as you can! *deep bows*

Side note : I googled up a bit and found an online shop in Facebook named Coruscate UniqueShop. Perhaps it was the said friend that made Ghashapon’s outfit? The profile photo looks kinda convincing, though..

Guess what I have found (or rather, given from)!!!

That was the second outfit Ghashapon wore in HS. Though the angle prevented me to see the detail of her outfit, it’s enough to fill my curiousity. Thanks for someone on JKT48Stuff who replied my comment with this picture link attached. 😀

Nyari Kerja itu Ternyata..

Udah lama juga nih kayaknya ga curhat-curhatan di blog, soalnya kemarin-kemarin yang di post kebanyakan soal idola. Hehehe… sekarang kepingin cerita dikit tentang minggu-minggu terakhir yang ga sempet didokumentasiin di sini. Jadi, sebenarnya sekarang lagi merantau, tinggal di rumah Uwak. Awal November kemarin berangkat dari Tulang Bawang Menuju Bandar Lampung. Tujuannya? Ya cari kerja atuh, soalnya udah ga betah banget nganggur di rumah. Apalagi sebelum berangkat, selama seminggu aku getol ngurusin surat cuti kuliah yang alhamdulillah masih dikasih kesempatan sama dosen dan administrasi untuk diurus pembuatannya. Secara aku kan ga ngasih kabar selama 3 bulan, udah takut aja ga bisa ngurus surat cuti. Eh ternyata boleh, bersyukur banget. Dan sekarang lagi berjuang nyari lowongan kerja, meskipun capeknya ga ketulungan. Walahh… ternyata gini ya rasanya nyari kerja. Urusannya ribet, tapi ga dapet juga. Wkwkwk… *melipir ke pojokan*

Mungkin karena lebih ke soal tinggal jauh sama orang tua dan harus ngurus diri-sendiri mulai sekarang. Meskipun lagi tinggal sama Uwak, makan minum dan hal lainnya terjamin, tetep ada rasa beban kerena sekarang ga bisa leha-leha kayak lagi liburan. Yaah.. Namanya juga kan bukan rumah sendiri ya. Ini aja masih alhamdulillah ada yang mau nampung, kalo untuk sekarang mah belum bisa bener-bener hidup mandiri karena belum ada penghasilan. Hehe.. Tapi semoga ya, semoga cepet dapet kerja dan gajinya cukup buat dikirim ke Emak di rumah. Amiiinn…

Ngomong-ngomong, soal post yang tentang ngelamar ke dealer, aku ga beruntung. Ehehe.. Habis itu karena nanya-nanya lowongan ke temen ga ada yang ngasih jawaban, akhirnya cuma nganggur gitu. Untung aja selama dua bulan kemarin Emak mulai berdagang lontong sayur, jadi masih ada yang bisa dikerjain. Sekarang begitu jauh dari Emak dan Ali malah jadi kangen makan lontong sayur bareng. Hihihi.. Tapi cari kerja di sini juga demi bantu Emak. Walaupun kayaknya ngirim lamaran ke satu tempat rasanya pusing tujuh keliling ya. Ckckck..

Well, mau gimanapun juga, emang yang namanya cari kerja itu dimana-mana ga gampang. Ada yang sering bilang, “Kalau ga ada orang dalam, susah deh”, atau “Mau sarjana S2 sekalipun, kalau udah ke lapangan, orang nyarinya yang ga sekedar punya gelar aja.” Tapi kadang banyak banget kasus di mana orang juga sering bilang, “Gelar tuh ngaruh lho, lulusan SMA/SMK palingan dapetnya juga jadi sales atau SPG. Bisa jadi admin di PT tertentu pun, paling nembak dari dalem.” Pendapat dan opini banyak edarannya, tapi sebagian besar memang benar. Tapi rekomendari dari orang dalam bukannya salah juga, asal yang direkomendasikan memang kompeten dan sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan. Sayangnya kalo ternyata sebaliknya, cuma karena teman atau saudara, itu sih… Hehe.. Tapi ga mau negative thinking juga deh ya, itu cuma umpama aja.

So, gitu ada deh dulu yang mau diceritain. Sebenarnya bingung mau ngomongin apa, jadinya ngasal ga jelas gini. Minta doa aja ya dari yang membaca supaya lancar mencari kerja di kota. Berasa minder deh akuh… Hiks..

Ghashapon Nickname for Ghaida

Hi guys! I’ve been off for about two weeks. These days have been so busy to me, since now I’m having full time work. I have to turn off my phone during my work time and PC is also out of my reach. I don’t even have any time to tweet or post something on social media. My free time is pretty much filled with rest and rest. 😆

So I’m reviewing a news I got from Joe-san about GhaiNya thread. In last post I’ve shared a story about a fan doing Handshake with Ghashapon, and I used “Ghashapon” nickname for Ghaida. Few days later, Joe-san told me that fans in that thread really love that nickname! I was really shocked, as well as happy to know about it. I didn’t expect Japanese fans would love the nickname. But actually I’ve always been curious what kind of name that Japanese fans would love to use to call Ghaida. If it happened to be “Ghashapon”, then it’d be great! I think that nick really suits her. ^^

Oh, I recalled when a fanbase account for Ghashapon opened some small question and answer session. I asked, “Is there any special name used by Japanese fans for Ghaida?” The admin only answered, “Nothing particular, but usually they call Ghaida as Kamen Ghaida.” Somehow I found that nickname was too plain, despite the fact that Ghaida is a fan of Tokukatsu series, especially Kamer Rider. She even calls her fans as “Kamen Ghaida”. I really want her to have a nickname that is really specific, and when I got this nick on some “Ghaida Fact” pages (you can find random pages on Google contain real facts about Ghaida), I decided to use it as my “special” nickname for Ghaida. Maybe because Ghashapon has a lot of nicks like Ghainyan, Ghashapon, Mbuls (similar to “Fatty”), or any other names, her fans don’t really think too much of using particular nickname for Ghashapon. I’m so happy that now Japanese fans already have special name for Ghaida. Isn’t Ghashapon such a cute nickname for our girl? 😀

By the way, The Calendar Senbatsu voting has been closed yesterday. Ghashapon was in seventh place for temporary voting result, but what about the final? She said that she wanted to be with Nyash as Calendar Senbatsu, wonder if Nyash fans already gave many votes to fulfil Ghashapon’s wish?

Hey, I also wonder, she should be having many poses like this one, right? 😛

Before I forget, here is a side note; A comment from previous post saying that I should write more about GhaiNya Thread, because fans have always been curious of what Japanese fans would say about JKT48. We aren’t that far in interaction with foreign fans, but not many Japanese fans can speak English and of course there are only few of Indo fans who can speak Japanese, sometimes it makes us difficult to communicate with them. I’ve meet some Japanese fans who also learn Indo, though they don’t have to do that as long as they can speak English. Take an example of Nozawana-chan, who couldn’t speak Indo at the beginning but could still communicate with members through English. As long as you can speak English, it’s not a problem. Or maybe Indo is easier than English? I’m slightly curious of that. 😀

Also, if you have read my Q&A compilation page on Stuff, I will make the second session in the end of this month. Actually I was going to finish them by last month, but due to work and other things (forgetting that I have tasks, limited amount of free time, no PC available) I couldn’t finish at all. So, cross your finger andw wish my luck!

Responses, Funny Story, And Other Things

Two days ago I was told by Joe-san about responses for url of my “lolita Ghaida” post that I asked him to post there. He was shocked by someone who recognized me, probably from my activity on JKT48Stuff. I’ve read the thread translation via Google, but since it’s really messed up and hard to understand, I failed to notice that. I wonder who was it? I’d love to talk more on JKT48stuff. ^^ Nonetheless, the responses seem good so far, I’m happy and grateful for people who give positive comments. I will do my best to write more about Ghaida and JKT48.

So, I have a story to share here. Actually it’s posted months ago by a Ve fan (because he wrote, “Shy yet fashionable”) who handshaked with Ghaida. He shared about how he had rejected “Ghaida’s love” in HS, and it was really hillarious that I still have the urge to laugh everytime I read this. Quoted (and translated) from the post;

Ghaida’s line at that time was still. There were only about 5 people. I got the third turn. It’s interesting to watch first two people when they handshaked. The first one, I didn’t know what they talked about that he/she didn’t even look at Ghaida’s face at all in those ten seconds. The second turn, Fan and Ghaida looked like they get along well. While waiting, I once overheard Shania shouted, “There, what you wanna say!”. Fan who handshaked with Shania at that moment suddenly cringed.

Finally I got my turn. The chat was kind of like this;

Me : (Thump, thump, thump)
Ghaida : (Thump, thump, thump)
Me : Do you love me?
Ghaida : Err… I love you… I love all people..
Me : Oh, but sorry though, I have to reject you.
Ghaida : Aww… Why?
Me : Well, because I already have a girlfriend. Sorry..
Ghaida : *silent. (Her grab was loosened. She was silent before eventually made a comment.) Yeah, we know who’s the one with a girlfriend here. I’m the single one. Cocky.
Me : *Laughed happily*
Ghaida : Where’s the said girlfriend now?
Me : In Halmahera.
Ghaida : That’s so far, though. Pass my greeting for your girlfriend, Kak.
Me : Yes, thank you.
Ghaida : Keep supporting me, Kak. *Gave me sticker*

At first he wanted to buy Ve’s ticket, but it’s already sold out so he bought Ghaida’s instead. I didin’t know whether I should be amused or pity for Ghaida being rejected by a boy. And the top of all, she was asked first by the person. 😆 Don’t worry Ghashapon, one might reject you, but there’re still many who would accept your love. 😀

By the way, I found this from Twitter. It’s a message from Ghaida in Melody’s first photobook, which was released yesterday.

That message says : “Hi, Teteh Ines (Sister Ines). Keep spirit, okay? Hope your college study is finished soon!”

The doodle she drew was kind of random, but I like her handwriting. Ahh.. When will Ghaida have her photobook? I’ll be looking forward to it. 🙂 Ah, and also, I actually become so fond with this picture;

Ghaida has “camera awareness” moment. It’s really perfect angle when her eyes were directed on the camera (maybe not, but it looked like she was). Ahh… I really want to see Ghaida in concert!! ><