Morning spirit

morning spirit

I used to go a couple of minutes early in the morning to my school just for enjoying its fresh air and orange view of sky. I recalled my town being a bit quiet without much cars and motorbikes passed by, the air got some chills to me, and the sight of sun peeking from East that would always make smile. In that moment I’d let loose everything inside my head and just simply watch. How I really missed those mornings.

It’s not that I can’t enjoy sunrise here, of course. But the feeling is different somehow. It’s still as beautiful as it’s always be, only it’s lacking of big buildings to block the light. Since I live in village that is a bit far from the city area, I miss that view. Maybe because I was raised in city so the sunrise I’d know is one behind the sky scrapper, or maybe I just haven’t seen sunrise much since graduated from high school. I rarely get chances to see sunrise because I always busy in the morning, and my classes start at 2 P.M. afternoon. Sunset is beautiful, but it’ll never be the same as sunrise. It’s like sunrise is a form of morning spirit for me. It rises, up to the sky and shines. It’s simply a breathtaking view. That’s the thing I always love about sunrise. And this morning I watched God’s masterpiece through chilly fogs, as if smiling at me with its light. Nothing can make me happier at the moment. 🙂

Blog Jalan-Jalan: English & Emak Tercinta

Good morning Indonesians!
Hari ini semoga menjadi awal pekan yang menyenangkan bagi kita semua. Kemarin aku absen sehari dari curhat tembok di blog. Kenapa curhat tembok? Soalnya yang baca curhatan aku diem aja sih, gx ninggalin jejak. Jadi kayak ngomong ama tembok, ya. Haha. Just kidding, just kidding.
Lagi males aja sih kemarin, kerjaan rumah juga numpuk jadi kupikir kan masih ada hari esok buat ngelanjut curhat narsis tentang hidup yang datar ini.
By the Way, ini hari Senin. Semalem dapet SMS dari temenku Anis, nanyain mau berangkat ke kampus ato gx. Soalnya mungkin ada pengisian FRS. Laah.. Aku mah mana mungkin gx ke kampus. Bukan karena rajin pengin cepet-cepet ngisi FRS-nya, tapi buat ngenet. Hihi, jangan ditiru ya. Plis jangan ditiru.

Baca lebih lanjut

Still alive

Oh Gawd, gw masih hidup?!?!
Ternyata masih inget juga ya daku sama blog ini.. Ehehe.. Well, what’s up people? Siapapun yg cukup baik untuk sekedar mampir ke blogku, thanks banget ya. I don’t know who you are, or I might know but not aware of your existence. Eh.. So how things so far? Daku kepingin menampung semua uneg-uneg berminggu-minggu yg rasanya kayak mau meledak.. Huff. Perasaan kuliah barmulai sebulan tau-tau semua jadi ngebut sana-sini. Harus masuk lebih awal, jadwal padat, ngebut sana sini, wah kacaaauuu… Udah gitu juga pusing mikirin quiz, mid term en final yang saling kejar mengejar. Belum botak ya.. Hehe.. Jangan donk aah, apa kata dunia ntar? XD

Well, untungnya sekarang lagi libur lebaran, nyantai dah.. Tapi masuk ntar masih mau ngadepin Final term lagi. Ya sutralah gapapa, toh udah dapet rehat. By the way, udah H-3 nih.. Besok juga Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Weew.. Cepet banget. Kalo inget Independence Day bakalan inget ama lomba-lomba en si pinang, inget hadiahnya yang ngegantung di puncak. Pokoknya udah kayak kecebong kecebur kali (?) dah tuh pesertanya. Tapi seumur hidup daku belum pernah ngerasain manjat pinang. Haha jadi penasaran. Yah besok di manapun anda berada, kalo ada yang ikut perlombaan 17 Agustusan good luck aja dah ya. Dan berhubung aku juga udah pegel ngebetot kiped hp jadul 5130ku ini, met puasa aja deh en met early Indonesian Indepence Day. Ceeyaaaa.. *cipika-cipiki 4L@y*

A stranger who disturbs my beauty sleep

Way to start my day.. A stranger called me several times at 5 in the morning, making me up with headache and annoyed feeling. Masih bisa sms ngajak ketemuan lagi?! Wooy.. Mana ada sih orang waras ngeganggu orang lain di pagi hari. Bikin kesel aja. Huuuh… (-_-) :@

Btw mumpung pagi-pagi, (good morning all! Bagi donk kopinya XD) Kemarin aku baru ngelunasin kredit hp Asiafone Af888. Soo bebas dah, bisa belanja lagi :D. Wkwk lebay, tapi emang 4 minggu ngelunasinnya rada susah tuh.. Jadi lega banget udah lunas. *cheers*

yah, met sarapan pagi aja ya buat warga Indonesia. For everyone from other countries, good day for you. Ceeyaaa.. ❤

Thank you :)

Okay, I logged in, got a first and new comment on my ‘About Me’ page. 🙂 Thanks for Agus Fuad who happens to be my cybermate from and Facebook. Apakah baca yang lain juga? Blog ini sebenarnya gx kepingin kubuat pure English karena bagaimanapun bahasa utamaku adalah Bahasa Indonesia. I just want to make this blog to be able to read by everyone. Kalau ada kebetulan non-Indo baca kan gx bingung. Hehe..

So, this blog still will be this premature despite my hopeless attempt to make it more decent. Banyak kekurangan, memang. Liat aja, masih berantakan. *awkward laugh* Bahkan yg tadinya kepingin rombak ulang di warnet malah keasyikan download. Aih, kebiasaan lama.

Lagian, seminggu yang lalu aku baru pulang dari KKL Yogyakarta dan Bali. It was a week of awfully experienced trip. I came home with supermassive swollen feet and fatigue at 10 pm. Gawd that’s nerve wrecking. Tidur pun teteup jam 1 malem karena tetap harus beres-beres, secara kamar berantakannya sampai bikin ngeri. Haha. Esok harinya daku pun terkapar, gara-gara full chores dari pagi sampai jam 1 siang nambahin kelelahan dari malamnya. Wuidih.. Ampe mimpi gw. Hahaha.. Gx usah diceritakan yang itu.

Dan berita bagusnya, the lecturers were symphatic enough to cancel our tests. Last Thursday I called one of my lecturer to ask if we could cancel our test and He ACTUALLY agreed. Huh? My lucky day? You have no idea. Aku kaget lho, haha (For Mr. Byan, if you read this.. I just can’t help to thank you for your kindness. THANK YOOOUU SOO MUUCCHH!!!). Padahal memang udah ada sms pemberitahuan waktu itu bahwa test akan diadakan. Agak merasa bersalah sama yg lain (jadi kalau ada yg baca, sorry cuy. Egois ya gw 😦 ), mereka mungkin kepingin test terlaksana hari itu (really? Doubt that :p ).

And the second, my not so new laptop arrived yesterday. Excited, but got a problem. Batrenya rusak, terpaksa ganti. Huhu.. Apa boleh baut, namanya juga bekas punya om. Gapapalah ganti batre duank, diluar itu semua kondisinya cukup baik. Belum diganti sih.. Financial problem. Haha. Doain aja bisa di ganti :).

Next story tentang trip daku selama KKL. Happy raining day 😀


Heeeyy!! I’m an early bird! Lol. I’ve been awake since an hour ago and I think it’s a bit surprissing. 😛 oh crap! You caught me. Being a Muslim, wake up at 4 or 5 am is necessary. We have to do Sholat Subuh (Dawn) and then read Al’Quran (supposed to, but we have a lot of things to do at morning). So I’m a bad Muslim. Sorry, guys. But well.. That’s me. Don’t be a Muslim like me, okay? *nods*

Oh Gaaawd. My brother and mother are currently making fried eggs right now. The smell’s Heavenly. *drolls* I wonder why aren’t I hungry? I need breakfast! But I’m not hungry :O. Ugh.. The smell’s so good that I really want to have one, but I’m not hungry. 😦

Talking about foods (and in this case drinks), I’ve been addicted with ginger milk tea. Usually in my country we have ‘wedang jahe’ (ginger tea), but it’s to spicy so I prefer ginger milk tea. It’s a good drink, smells good because of the ginger and it warms your body. I caught a flu last night and got warmed up by this. So just try. At first I didn’t really like it, but it got delicious after the second glass. Haha XD.

And I’m drinking ginger milk tea now! Lol. I want to upload the pic but I post this on my mobile, which is not compatible. Sorry.. I will when I have a chance. And I still have 2 pics about foods I like. Maybe next time.

It’s seven already. Well.. Have a nice morning! 🙂

Oh, boy..

I wake up this morning and everything is so cooooold that even my wristwatch is freezing. Brr.. :s

By the way, I watch some show in NHK about Playstation Vita. Is it new or maybe just review? Oh well, but PS Vita is better than PSP from what I see.

Hm.. What to do? It’s 7.14 am and I think we all agree that we need some hot coffee for starter. And watching Video of JLo feat. Will.I.Am (and Mick Jagger?) *laugh*, my brother comments “What is that? GTA?”. Yeah, talking to GTA maniac. Eeh.. What’s the song’s name? I don’t get a chance to see the title. Damn. Lol.

Cooold.. Ugh.. I don’t want to write again, but.. It’s tempting. So what I’m going to share? Oh.. I’m watching December Fever (a Korean Drama) now. I think it’s getting close to the final. How sad, and the story is sad too. :/ I wish I could have watched My husband’s woman until the end. It’s such a sad story about a husband who cheated with his wife’s bestfriend, and after it’s revealed he chose hi wife’s bestfriend. At the end, they didn’t live in happiness as they had hoped. The wife even took pity on them. Tsk. It’s what we call as karma. So don’t cheat behind your husband/wife. *shake head*

Well, Good morning and enjoy your day 🙂

All connected

Good morning! I start my lovely Tuesday with a tea and some malt biscuits, and have my wordpress blog connected to my Facebook and Twitter page. That means more notifications on my e-mail. Haha *eyeroll*.

So today according to the schedule (do I have one?) I’ll have quiz for 2 subjects. Ugh, quizes. How you can be such a party pooper :/. And I still need to do my chores. So much for being a girl *laugh*, but I’m a fatty who need to work up her body and not to be lazy. Really, I’m 51 kilograms and it’s close to terrify me. A nightmare. *gasp*

Oh, weell.. Let’s categorize this post as not-so-random thing because I really make a bit of an afford to write it.

And once again, Good Morning!! 😀